The Guide to Thyroid Patient's Journey 是一本探討甲狀腺疾病患者心理狀態的書。患者對漫長的治療過程感到束手無策。通過與在London的Thyroid Trust,是一個由甲狀腺患者組織的團體,提供患者不僅是醫療上的諮詢,也提供心理上的陪伴。從他們官網上提供的線上訪談,我收集了不同患者的故事。本書引用了“大家來找碴”遊戲方式作為敘述方式,並採用凹版印刷製作,內容主軸為替甲狀腺患者發聲。在閱讀本書時,患者能知道他們並不孤單。至於照顧者,他們可以了解他們的親人或朋友面臨什麼,藉此給予合適的幫助。
The Guide to Thyroid Patient's Journey is a book about the state of mind of a patient with thyroid disease. Patients feel helpless with the long treatment process. Through the event and online interviews organised by the Thyroid Trust, I collected different patients' stories to hear different voices. This book references the game of spotting the differences as a narrative method and is produced by intaglio printing. While reading this book, patients are able to know that they are not alone. As for the caregivers, they may know what their loves are facing and what they exactly need.
148mm*210mm / Photoshop / 凹版印刷 intaglio printing 及數位印刷